The least you can do this fall for your plants is this…

The words ‘Fall Cleanup’ can sound overwhelming, so I want single out the things that, if you don’t do anything else, this list will make the biggest difference next year.

#1. Remove diseased plant debris!  Removing foliage of tomatoes and peaonies, is the ounce of prevention you’re looking for.  This step dramatically reduces disease and insect problems the following season.  (However, keep in mind that leaving some debris from native plants will help preserve balance, but this is a topic for another post.)
#2 Soil Test. A soil analysis costs about the same as a bag of fertilizer, and will tell you how much of each nutrient to add.  So much better than buying bags of stuff you don’t even need, and wasting an afternoon throwing it around.  Get the right nutrients down now so it can get to work while you go in for the winter, eat soup and watch movies.
#3 Fertilize.  Simply broadcast an organic fertilizer over your flower and vegetable beds, and around trees and shrubs.  Good organic fertilizers containing humates help plants take in nutrients.  Takes minutes, but they need it.
#4 Topdress your beds with compost.  As the ground ‘breathes’ all winter and spring, it will help your plants absorb precious nutrients

That’s your bare minimum!  If you get these things done, you can hibernate for the winter knowing that your garden is working toward a great spring and summer!