Organic prevention of this is so possible!


I call them “weed walkers”. Not zombie plants that eat other vegetation to survive, just weeds in the cracks of your walkways. I think I have found a happy solution that is organic and not toxic to existing plants, for easier maintenance of walkway weeds!

Last spring I experimented with Corn Gluten on my brick walkway and stone patio at my house. Even with the high rainfall this year (which would encourage more weeds) I have noticed a significant decrease in back-bending, weed-pulling than in previous years!

Disclaimer alert!

Corn gluten, only readily available in the last five years, has been marketed as a pre-emergent for crabgrass in lawns, and because it eventually breaks down into nitrogen, a natural major nutrient for lawns. It is non-toxic an does not affect existing plants. It is important to note that it’s efficacy as a pre-emergent has been found to increase with repeated applications. The more you use it, the better it prevents weed seeds, or any seeds, from sprouting. That said, because it prevents even grass seeds from sprouting, I feel that the lawn is the last place it should be applied! If you have a bare spot in your turf, or want to overseed your lawn in the fall to promote a lush turf in the future, corn gluten may hinder your efforts.

One more alert, this time it’s soapbox alert!
Knowledge is power, know what you are using and use it wisely. It is impossible for even the best garden center to inform every customer of every nuance of every product. Labels are on packages because they tell you what you need to get the most from the product. Respect labels and use them to reap the benefits and prevent mistakes, so you can love your yard to it’s fullest!